"Some People give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."

Monday, December 27, 2010

"Christmas Angels Handout" A Touching Success:

On Wednesday December 22nd, Fifteen of my close friends, family and co-workers joined together to help organize, orchestrate and passout items to the homeless in downtown San Diego. I was amazed at not only the 12 bags of clothing and countless bags of toiletries and snacks but at the dedication of all of the volunteers. Chastity Mancera and Sam Afshar, two good friends of mine came almost 3 hours before the event and folded, separated, labeled and packaged everything that we passed out during the event. My mom was the main monetary contributer and provided all of the jack in the box gift cards and half of the merchandise bought! What an amazing example of God's wonderful love...Thank you. We had volunteer drivers and chaperones as well that dedicated their time and cars to help us.

We hit a total of 4 areas including 40+ people in need. We saw the young, the old, the disabled, the thankful and those in disbelief. We passed out everything we had and left taking much more from the experience than we had contributed. While we did our best to give....it is what we gained that is invaluable.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who donated; money, clothes, food and to all who volunteered. You took a night out of your lives and really made a difference. It may not have seemed like you did a lot or gave a lot, but it was the selfless act of kindness that those you helped with remember.
God bless you and I pray that this will not be your last act of charitable outreach..and that you'll spread the word to the world. We've only just begun...

1 comment:

  1. i so enjoyed being part of the homeless outreach- everyone put forth such kindness and warmth. Soul enriching and authentic!
