"Some People give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The 3rd Annual "Christmas Angel's Handout" Date is Set!

Okay Christmas Angels, 

The 2012 Date for The 3rd Annual Christmas Angels Handout is officially set for Thursday, December 20th in downtown San Diego (same date as last year.) 

We are very proud to announce that this year we are partnering with "Art Takes a Village" a local non-profit in San Diego. For those of you that aren't familiar, Art Takes a Village is a public charity organization that my mom Jane Pollock started in 2007. Their mission is to provide therapeutic art programs in areas lacking the ability and or funding. They work with at risk youth and adults as well as seniors and children in Oregon with our Oregon branch. They partner with other charitable outreach programs and non-profits they believe in as well. With this kind of support from Art Takes a Village we are able to offer your contributions this year as a tax write off which is incredible news for us! I have provided ATV's Tax-ID number for tax purposes below and it can also be found on their website, as well as more information on their non-profit.

So, just like in previous years we need volunteers and lots of them! No matter what your ability may be you can help in some way. Whether it is monetarily, donating clothing or simply your time, everyone has something to offer. 

Same as the previous years, we need: Monetary donators, Clothing donators, Bakers, Wrappers, Drivers, Runners, Chaperones and Donation collectors. 

Please read in detail what each of these positions entail:

Monetary donators- Are individuals that are donating money (which is tax deductible) as a charitable contribution to a 501 (c) 3 at the end of the year. You can either donate through our pay-pal account on this blog (just click our Pay-pal link) and donate with a debit/credit card or send a check to the provided address. 

Clothing donators- Individuals that donate their used (and in good condition) Clothing. Including; Warm Sweaters, Jackets, Shoes, Scarves, Beanies, Pants, Long Sleeve Tees and T-shirts (for the summer.) With the majority of homeless individuals that aren't submitted into a shelter being men we are most desperate for big sized jackets/thermals/sweaters but we also need women's clothing. We don't accept used socks/undergarments as we provide new ones with the money we receive. 

Bakers- The more bakers we can get to volunteer the better! The people we help absolutely love the home baked goods we pass out and to be honest I think it's their favorite part. We need you to bake however many goodies you're committed to making and individually wrap them in a zip lock, closed bag so we can create food bags to pass out.  

Wrappers- These individuals help me sort through all of the purchased items and make the toiletry bags, baked goods bags and organize the clothing in bins by size, clothing type.

Drivers- We need individuals to volunteer to drive our team on December 20th. Those of you with SUV's, bigger cars it would be greatly appreciated. 

Runners- These are the individuals we need to actually run the items out. We all go out together as a group but these are the individuals in charge of making sure all who need something receive something, supplies available of course. 

Chaperones- Are dubbed as men that volunteer to come out with all of the runners and make sure all situations remain safe. We like to have two guys to ever girl if possible. In the 11 years I've done this with my family we've never had anything happen but we like to stay prepared and as safe as possible. 

Donation Collectors- Last but certainly not Least we need people that will help spread the word and raise awareness for our cause. Either by email, printing flyers, social networking or even just helping us pick up clothing donations at peoples homes, etc. 

Okay, I know that was a lot of info but each year we have new volunteers and I want to make sure everyone is well informed! Remember you can always email me with questions or concerns at: Mrscandacepierce@gmail.com or feel free to leave a comment on this post. I'll be checking it frequently. 

Thank you & Happy Holidays, Candace Pierce

Art Takes a Village Inc. http://www.arttakesavillage.com/
Federal Tax ID 20-8504328