"Some People give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."

Monday, December 27, 2010

"Christmas Angels Handout" A Touching Success:

On Wednesday December 22nd, Fifteen of my close friends, family and co-workers joined together to help organize, orchestrate and passout items to the homeless in downtown San Diego. I was amazed at not only the 12 bags of clothing and countless bags of toiletries and snacks but at the dedication of all of the volunteers. Chastity Mancera and Sam Afshar, two good friends of mine came almost 3 hours before the event and folded, separated, labeled and packaged everything that we passed out during the event. My mom was the main monetary contributer and provided all of the jack in the box gift cards and half of the merchandise bought! What an amazing example of God's wonderful love...Thank you. We had volunteer drivers and chaperones as well that dedicated their time and cars to help us.

We hit a total of 4 areas including 40+ people in need. We saw the young, the old, the disabled, the thankful and those in disbelief. We passed out everything we had and left taking much more from the experience than we had contributed. While we did our best to give....it is what we gained that is invaluable.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who donated; money, clothes, food and to all who volunteered. You took a night out of your lives and really made a difference. It may not have seemed like you did a lot or gave a lot, but it was the selfless act of kindness that those you helped with remember.
God bless you and I pray that this will not be your last act of charitable outreach..and that you'll spread the word to the world. We've only just begun...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

TONIGHT @ 6PM: "The Christmas Angels"1st Annual Handout!

The 1st Annual "Christmas Angel's Passout" is finally here!
Tonight at 6pm we will be heading off from our starting location: (The Chase Bank Parking Lot) 2551 5th Avenue, San Diego and hitting the streets of downtown San Diego to pass out everything we've collected. I can't thank everyone enough for their amazing donations of money, clothing and time. We collected over  $700 through our paypal account in which we were able to buy everything you see below: $300 in Jack in the box cash (60 giftcards), 7 bags of warm clothing,10 Blankets, $150 in supplies from The Dollar Tree, $170 in supplies at Walmart, 10 Umbrellas, 10 calling cards, 3lbs of fudge, 2 dozen cupcakes, 4 dozen cookies and several amazing volunteers. After tonight's event I will be posting pictures and listing names of those who helped in recognition of their generosity. Thank you everyone & know that this Christmas you gave someone the gift of feeling loved, remembered, warm and happy.

Happy Holidays, Candace Pollock-The Giving Tree


Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Christmas Angels Handout" This Wednesday December 22nd at 6pm-Downtown San Diego

Did you know that more than 2,000 people live on the streets of downtown San Diego? To add to that number there are 8,500 in San Diego County alone. Where will these homeless people go during the winter when it's too cold to sleep outside? Displaced, homeless, and seeking shelter; there are literally thousands and the number continues to grow...

Are you okay knowing this and not doing anything to help better our world..our country..our city? You may feel that this issue doesn't concern you. You work hard for you money..and you shouldn't have to give it away..You're "too busy."
A lot of people sadly feel this way and without going too deep I think this a fundamental issue with our country and the way we treat one another. Some view helping the homeless as "enabeling them" and allowing them to remain on the street. The bottom line is...a big majority of these people are physically or mentally ill, unable to work or without any family.  We should view helping these individuals as "loving our neighbor" not as pitying a stranger on the street. Who are we to judge what brought these individuals to the place they're in now? Everyone has a story. Not all of homelessness results from drug and alcohol abuse like many tend to think. A great deal of these individuals are veterans, disabled or just hit a rough patch. A lot of the women are women that were being physically abused and escaped their situation with no where or no one to turn to. Whatever the reason for why each and every one of the 2,000 people that are on the street in San Diego..they are PEOPLE. People with a mom and dad somewhere, people that feel pain, people that get hungry and people that get cold. They are people that cry and people that pray to God.
If it was your sister, brother, uncle..or you on the street wouldn't you be eternally grateful for a stranger's selfless generosity. They say most American's are just ONE paycheck away from being in debt or going "broke"..loosing their home, car, etc. That is a reality too close to home for many of us. With the job shortage not improving and the price of rent, gas, groceries.. it's close to impossible to survive for some.

Turn a new leaf...give what you can to those that truly need it. If you are able to actually pass out the items and food this Wednesday December 22nd at 7pm in downtown San Diego. I promise you your life will never be the same...

xoxo, Candace Pollock-The Giving Tree

Monday, December 13, 2010

Let the countdown begin...

My first year hosting "Christmas Angels" is coming up on Wednesday the 22nd of this month at 6pm in downtown San Diego. I am excited, nervous and so thankful to all of you that have donated either your time, money or supplies. I know we'll touch the lives of countless people in San Diego County that are without. While you may be thinking that the individuals you donate to will be the ones most greatly affected by this experience, let me tell you that you're wrong... The happiness and gratification you get when you hand someone a Christmas gift that you don't know who is overwhelmingly thankful to you is insurmountable. Helping thy neighbor and those less fortunate is what we are told to do in the bible. Reaching out a helping hand and offering what little we have to offer is what we were called to do. We have 7 days until the handout and while I am thankful for what we have already received..we still need a great deal more. We need blankets, warm clothes, more bakers to volunteer and more fiscal donations. If you are interested in helping in any of these areas please contact me.

Here is who has volunteered already:

Vero & Family-Driver/Angel
Thank you for your kindess and support & Merry Christmas to you and your family-xox Candace

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Christmas Angels Handout 2010"

The Christmas angels are described as messengers of god in the bible. The heavenly angels play an important role in the Christmas celebration and it is said that they brought us news of peace through the coming of the Christ child, an angel gift from God for all people on earth.

This year I am putting together a group of “Christmas Angels” that will be passing out gifts and necessities to those less fortunate in the downtown San Diego area. My goal is to get together a group of people that are willing to give their time and efforts to make cookie baskets, collect donations of clothes, blankets, jackets, gift cards, etc to pass out for Christmas.

Wednesday December 22nd (6pm) is when we’ll pass everything out downtown-


-Christmas Angels (Actually Passing out items)
-Bakers (preparing cookies/etc)
-Wrappers-Help packaged and wrap presents
-Donaters-Donate New or used clothing/blankets/etc;
-Chaperones’ (Men that will accompany the angels to ensure our safety)

What I am hoping to collect are ingredients to bake cookies or food that is non-perishable and already made. Clothing (new or slightly used) Winter items: Blankets, Scarves, gloves, socks, slippers, hats. Money so we can purchase items, books, calling cards, pillows or blankets, restaurant/grocery store gift cards or movie passes and toiletry items; toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, shampoo/conditioner, woman's sanitary items, deodorant, etc. Bottled water.

Put yourself in their position..what would you like to receive? Bettet yet, what would you need?
We've had some very cold nights this winter and it's only going to get worse..let's do our best to bring some happiness and hope to those less fortunate than us. Let's celebrate what Christmas is really about..the birth of our lord and savior and let's spread the word of his love through this unconditional act of kindess and giving. Thank you for your support!

I have done this for now close to 10 years with my family. You’ll be amazed to hear the people you’re giving to praise Jesus, ask to pray with you and their overwhelming gracious manner.
This is one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have.

If you’d like to be a “Christmas Angel” this year please click here and email me what position you’d like to take: CandaceLareePollock@gmail.org

If you'd like to donate directly to the cause please do so through my paypal account: